Wordpress - Separate PHP page call WPML function
If you just like me who need to create a new empty PHP page inside Wordpress, and you need to call that page inside wordpress, together with using WPML, here is the way:
Assume that your brand new PHP file is under wp-content/themes/your-theme/new_file.php
This new_file.php will receive data from other wordpress page. Now:
Hope it helps someone.
Assume that your brand new PHP file is under wp-content/themes/your-theme/new_file.php
This new_file.php will receive data from other wordpress page. Now:
# require_once wp-load.php to use all wordpress functions
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))).'/wp-load.php';
function any_new_function(lang){
$lang = $_POST['lang_from_previous_wordpress_page'];
return $lang;
# if you are using WPML 3.0 or later, you will see this icl_set_current_language filter
# I am not sure if version prior to 3.0 will have it or not, just search in sitepress.class.php to find out.
add_filter('icl_set_current_language', 'any_new_function');
# Init this plugin, the construction has been completed in wp-load.php
# Immediately after running init, remove filter so that will not affect other function(s)
remove_filter('icl_set_current_language', 'any_new_function');
Hope it helps someone.