
Showing posts from August, 2009

Step By Step Action Guide

I want to achieve USD $2,000 per day at my home by Internet Marketing by 31/12/2009 with people in because I want my family to have absolute freedom financially and without struggling any financial problem again. Action steps: Create ebook/free report with ezine articles or from my PLR articles base Create my own product using Formula5 product producer, and create USP using Formula 5 Promote affiliate products on each website, using the product list in build a list with free ebook/report using setup 200 websites, with each website earn $10 every day.  Or 20 websites $100 each, all wordpress blogs hosted in Daily steps: Forum posting - 1 Blog comment - 1 Social Bookmarking - using socialmarker - DoFollow Weekly: Ezinearticles, buzzle, articledashboard, goarticle Monthly: Create My Own Product Deadline: Create my free report - 2 week Create my own product - 1 - 2 months Plan B: If I have no time to create fre...

Start My Daily Log (Diary)

Acai Berry Catalog: Add a message that there is a coupon code: greatacai for acai burn that can reduce S&H from 4.95 to 1.95 Approve a comment on Bridalook :Approve 3 comments on (A wedding website ).  The comment is great and I decide to reply them both in blog and email. Have a details discussion with somebody on selling second hand servers : They reject the deals because sending those rack server from HK to China required expensive delivery cost & high traffif. Lean some points from Turbo Membership .  It teaches how to setup your online business step by step from preparing your mindset to hand-on step by step guide.  At first I think that it is quite costly to pay USD $147@month, however it worths that price until you are really working on that. This blog is now going to be updated very frequently for my latest actions.  Keep watching.


[兒時,小男孩家很窮,吃飯時,飯常常不夠吃, 母親就把自己碗裏的飯分給孩子吃。 母親說:“孩子們,快吃吧,我不餓!” ——這是母親撒的第一個謊言。 男孩成長的時候, 勤勞的母親常用周日休息時間, 去縣郊農村河溝裏撈些魚來給孩子們補鈣。 魚很好吃,魚湯也很鮮。孩子們吃魚的時候, 母親就在一旁啃魚骨頭,用舌頭舔魚骨頭上的肉漬。 男孩心疼,就把自己碗裏的魚夾到母親碗裏,請母親吃魚。 母親不吃,母親又用筷子把魚夾回男孩的碗裏。 母親說:“孩子,快吃吧,我不愛吃魚!” ——這是母親撒的第二個謊言。 上初中了,為了繳夠男孩和哥姐的學費, 當縫紉工的母親,就去居委會領些火柴盒拿回家來, 晚上糊了,賺點錢幫補家用。 有個冬天,男孩半夜醒來,看到母親還躬著身子在油燈下糊火柴盒。 男孩說:“母親,睡了吧,明早您還要上班呢。” 母親笑笑,說:“孩子,快睡吧,我不睏!” ——這是母親撒的第三個謊言。 高考那年, 母親請了假,天天站在考點門口,為參加高考的男孩助陣。 時逢盛夏,烈日當頭, 固執的母親在烈日下一站就是幾個小時。 考試結束的鈴聲響了, 母親迎上去,遞過一杯用罐頭瓶泡好的濃茶, 叮囑孩子喝了,茶亦濃,情更濃。 望著母親乾裂的嘴唇和滿頭的汗珠, 男孩將手中的罐頭瓶反遞過去請母親喝。 母親說:“孩子,快喝吧,我不渴!” ——這是母親撒的第四個謊言。 父親病逝之後,母親又當爹又當娘, 靠著自己在縫紉社裏那點微薄收入,含辛茹苦拉扯著幾個孩子, 供他們念書,日子過得苦不堪言。 胡同路口電線杆下修表的李叔叔知道後, 大事小事就找岔過來打個幫手, 搬搬煤,挑挑水,送些錢糧來幫補男孩的家裏。 人非草木,孰能無情。 左鄰右舍對此看在眼裏,記在心裏, 都勸母親再嫁,何必苦了自己。 然而母親多年來卻守身如玉,始終不嫁, 別人再勸,母親也斷然不聽, 母親說:“我不愛!” ——這是母親撒的第五個謊言。 男孩和他的哥姐大學畢業參加工作後, 下了崗的母親就在附近農貿市場,擺了個小攤維持生活。 身在外地工作的孩子們知道後就常常寄錢回來補貼母親, 母親堅決不要,並將錢退了回去。 母親說:“我有錢!” ——這是母親撒的第六個謊言。 男孩留校任教兩年,後又考取了美國一所名牌大學的博士生, 畢業後留在美國一家科研機構工作,待遇相當豐厚。 條件好了,身在異國的男孩想把母親接來享享清福, 卻被老人回絕了。 母親說:“我不習慣...

Mining For Gold By Alucard

Where would you live? 逸林首府28號 28 The Albany Villa, 28 Kensington Drive。 What would your house look like? What time would you wake up? 9:00 - 10:00 What would you do in the morning? 運動,太極 What would you have for breakfast? 在家中,吃西式早餐。腸仔,蛋,麥皮 What does the mundane(平凡) stuff look like? 子女細的話就送返學,送太太返工。放假就去公園/商場走走看看。 What would you spend the first half of your day doing? 做運動,練詠春 What would you have for lunch? 快餐店午膳,或者跟太太吃飯。 Who would you eat with? 自己,家人,和太太。 What would your friends be like? 他們是我很好的朋友。有說有笑,有心地指出我的問題,樂於和我分享他們的故事,我也樂意分享我的想法。我常和他們吃飯談笑。我的家人和他們的家人十分融洽。 What is your relationship like? 我跟我太太的闗係是二為一體,彼此的在心中也有非常重要的地位。我們互相愛慕,互相尊重。我愛她,她也愛我。我們關係親密,也有自己的空間。我們從不吵架,彼此諒解和尊重對方的想法。我們到老也會互相手牽手,關懷和關心對方。我全心全意地愛她,她也用全心全意地愛我。 What would you do for family time? 談話,教育,玩遊戲 What would you have for dinner? 家常小菜。我太太會煮飯給我和家人吃。 Where would you eat? 在家中。 Who would you eat with? 我太太,我的兒女,我的家人。 What would you talk about? 今天兒女過得如何?太太如何? What wou...

Acai Berry website that is the best

Acai Berry Catalog is a very good website which is all about acai berry . It also contains free trial products that is available for you to choose. For example: Free trial: Acai Berry Blast Acai Berry Boom Acai Berry Juice Acai Burn Acai Elite Berry Acai Vas Chewables Acai Pure Products: Perfect Acai Berry Perfect Acai Revive