How to use aws-lambda-python docker image with example in VSCode for local development
Docker image:
This docker image lacks working example on how to use.
If you just want to test your lambda with this image locally, please read on.
Let's assume the following:
- Your script is called ``
- The function in this file that you want to execute is called `lambda_handler`
Here is the docker command (I'm using windows):
docker run --rm \
-p 9000:8080 \
--mount type=bind,src=/c/projects/my_lovely_proj,target=/var/task \
amazon/aws-lambda-python \
Brief explanation on above:
- --rm : Remove the container after terminating the script (i.e. Ctrl + C in command line). So you don't need to run `docker stop <container_id>` and `docker rm <container_id>`
- -p 9000:8080: map the port of local machine 9000 to container port 8080. This is super important and will be explained later.
- --mount: Mount the dir to /var/task in container. All lambda script will be executed in this /var/task dir
- amazon/aws-lambda-python: the docker image name
- my_python.lambda_handler: It is very confusing at first glance. The format of this string is actually: <script_file_name>.<function_name_to_be_executed>. By default your lambda function is called `lambda_handler`. Which means if your function name is called `my_func`, this string will be `my_python.my_func`
Then you would see something like this:
23 Jan 2024 03:28:43,852 [INFO] (rapid) exec '/var/runtime/bootstrap' (cwd=/var/task, handler=)
And nothing return...
You don't know if this is working, you have no idea what is executed, and just simply nothing.
But after reading this article:, I know the following:
This docker image is actually provide a server-like instance, which means, you need to "call" its API in order to trigger the execution.
In other words, this is not "run a script in a mapped container and finish when done", but "run a server that host your script and you need to call it to execute it".
So what is the API? The answer is in the above article.
Since I am using Windows + PowerShell in VSCode, here is how to call an API (similar to curl) in a separated shell (PowerShell or terminal):
- Windows
- Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -Method Post -Body '{}' -ContentType "application/json"
- Linux
- curl "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'
As you can see, in order to execute your lambda script in the container, you need to "call" it as a REST API (In AWS terms, it is called "Invoke"). So if you see the word "invoke"/"invocation" or similar, it simply means "calling lambda API".
Then you would see result:
Then start your development now.
Hope it helps someone.