[Solved] Unrecognized input file format --- perhaps you need -targa
In short, in case you encounter cjpeg error: Unrecognized input file format --- perhaps you need -targa, you can use the command below.
Assume that your JPG image file is source.jpg:
[root@server ~]# djpeg source.jpg | cjpeg -quality 65 -progressive -optimize -outfile source65.jpg
Rename the source file as backup, rename the optimize file to be the one to load.
[root@server ~]# mv source.jpg source.jpg.bak; mv source65.jpg source.jpg
Hope it helps someone.
Thank you.
Assume that your JPG image file is source.jpg:
[root@server ~]# djpeg source.jpg | cjpeg -quality 65 -progressive -optimize -outfile source65.jpg
Rename the source file as backup, rename the optimize file to be the one to load.
[root@server ~]# mv source.jpg source.jpg.bak; mv source65.jpg source.jpg
Hope it helps someone.
Thank you.