[SEO] How do I create a "Q&A" type content and get rank in Page 1 in 15 mins

I am currently working on a project about marriage, and often get stuck when you don't know what content to create, the "Q&A" type content may be useful to you.

Here is how I get a blog post rank on page 1 (#3 - #4) in 15 mins

  1. Find out what is the most frequently asked question that:
    1. People are asking on a particular topic
    2. There is no exact questions in search result "Title"
  2. Create a blog post with that question.  Use the exact question in your title.  For example, if you observe that there are a lot of people ask: "How do I grow higher", your blog post title must include: "how do I grow higher"
  3. You will expect that the search volumn is low, or at least not as high as other common search term
    1. It is normal, as you are going to capture the traffic that ask the exact same question
  4. Once you create the blog post that answer the question, you can always add a Call-to-Action button or link to the page you want people to go (or an affiliate link you want people to see).
  5. Submit it to Google.  
    1. Do you know that you can now get your page indexed in Google in less than 2 mins?  Go to google and type "Submit url to google" in search and press enter, you will see that in the search result there is a box that you can put your newly created URL there and submit it.
    2. After 1 - 2 mins (or a very short time), if you search your question again, you will see that it is indexed.
Here is your TODO:

  1. Find a question that is most asked by your target customers but there is no exact search term result in Google (keyword: exact)
  2. Create a blog post for that question.  Your content MUST answer the question in the title.  Content length did not matter.
  3. Submit the URL to google, and see the result.  :D

Hope it helps someone.


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