Wordpress Custom Post Type created post not found?
If you use custom_post_type in wordpress, and you find that you can successfully create a custom post type in your back-end admin area, while you can also create a custom post in back-end but you cannot see your created post, please check the following:
In your register_post_type function, there is an argument called "publicly_queryable", if you set it to false, you will find that you cannot see your page (return 404 not found).
So set it to true to see your post.
It seems that another reason of 404 error is because of the permalink problem. Please use register_activation_hook and register_deactivation_hook to call the function: flush_rewrite_rules(), it will help.
Reference: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/permalinks-404-with-custom-post-type?replies=40
In your register_post_type function, there is an argument called "publicly_queryable", if you set it to false, you will find that you cannot see your page (return 404 not found).
So set it to true to see your post.
It seems that another reason of 404 error is because of the permalink problem. Please use register_activation_hook and register_deactivation_hook to call the function: flush_rewrite_rules(), it will help.
Reference: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/permalinks-404-with-custom-post-type?replies=40